Bone Graft

A bone graft is a surgical procedure used by our dentist at Van Buren Smiles to replace missing bone in your jaw. The dentist takes healthy bone from another area of your body or a donor source and places it in the area that is missing bone mass.

It’s common for many patients to experience bone loss following a tooth extraction or when a tooth breaks below the gum line. In these cases, the bone beneath the gums cannot grow appropriately to fill the socket where the tooth used to be. Without adequate bone density, the jawbone will shrink and cause additional dental problems or even changes to your facial structure. Our dentist may recommend a bone graft to prevent this from happening and ensure you have enough bone density to support an implant. 

When Do I Need a Bone Graft?

A bone graft is used to strengthen the jawbone and prevent jaw resorption. Jawbone loss is common after tooth loss. Especially in cases where the lost tooth is in the front of the upper or lower jaw, the teeth on the right and left sides of the gap may also drift into the open space left by the missing tooth. This disrupts your bite and also changes the appearance of your smile.

For these reasons, many patients choose to have a dental implant placed to restore their smiles and confidence. However, if too much bone loss has occurred, an implant cannot be inserted, and a bone graft is necessary first.

Reasons for a bone graft can include the following:

  • Preventing further bone deterioration
  • Restoring a missing tooth
  • Rebuilding a weak jawline
  • Improving facial aesthetics

Dental Bone Graft Procedure

Our dentist may recommend a bone grafting procedure if the bone in your jaw is not strong enough to hold dental implants or other restorations necessary for your oral health. A dental bone graft treatment uses either synthetic or natural bone tissue to support your teeth and restore proper function to your mouth.

The bone used to graft the low-density area can come from another area of the mouth, such as the chin or the roof of the mouth, or it can come from a donor through tissue donation. Once grafted onto the jaw bone, it will fuse with the existing bone over three to six months in an osseointegration process.

Once the fusion is complete, the new bone becomes part of your body’s natural anatomy. Your new bone will strengthen your jaw and restore its structure so you can have an implant placed to create a strong base for your replacement tooth.

For more information about how a dental bone graft could improve your smile, visit Van Buren Smiles at 6270 Van Buren Boulevard, Riverside, CA 92503, or call (951) 603-3600.


6270 Van Buren Boulevard,
Riverside, CA 92503

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MON - FRI9:00 am - 6:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed