
A dental implant is a small titanium rod surgically inserted into the jawbone to replace the root of a tooth lost to injury or decay. At Van Buren Smiles, we use dental implants made from biocompatible materials and ensure they function identically to natural tooth roots. Once a dental implant has been placed in the jaw, a crown will be attached to it to fully restore the lost tooth’s appearance and function.

Dental implants are an excellent long-term solution for restoring the appearance of your smile after tooth loss. Implants look and function like natural tooth roots, making implant-supported restorations the closest prosthetic option to natural teeth.

Dental Implant Procedure

Jawbone density may change drastically after losing a tooth so that, in certain cases, a bone grafting procedure may be required before an implant can be placed. This surgical procedure rebuilds and strengthens the bone where the implant will be placed, ensuring a solid foundation for the replacement tooth.

After the area has healed from the bone grafting procedure, the dentist will place the implant into the jawbone. This process is painless, as local anesthesia ensures the patient feels no pain during surgery.

After implantation, patients will need to wait several weeks to allow their implants to fuse with the surrounding jawbone fully. This will ensure a secure hold for the replacement teeth. When healing is complete, patients will return to our clinic to have their crown placed on top of the implant.

This completes the restoration of the smile and ensures standard form and function are restored. Patients can eat whatever they like and brush and floss their teeth normally. With good oral hygiene habits, dental implants can last a lifetime!

Why Get an Implant?

An implant provides the same function as a natural tooth root, and because it is a titanium fixture that fuses with your jawbone, it’s one of the most durable restorations available. It can last for several decades or even a lifetime with proper care.

Implant-supported restorations are also more aesthetically pleasing options for most patients since they are stable and look natural. Implants also allow you to preserve your healthy teeth since they can replace one missing tooth without affecting the surrounding ones.

Am I a Candidate for Implants?

To be eligible for a dental implant procedure, you must have good oral health. Your mouth must be free of tooth decay and gum disease. There also needs to be enough jawbone tissue to support the dental implant. Lastly, your gums should be healthy enough to maintain the restoration. 

To learn more about the benefits of dental Implants, visit Van Buren Smiles at 6270 Van Buren Boulevard, Riverside, CA 92503, or call (951) 603-3600.


6270 Van Buren Boulevard,
Riverside, CA 92503

Office Hours

MON - FRI9:00 am - 6:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed